Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

complaint letter

10th October 2011
Jl Melati 1
Jakarta Timur
Dear Miss Ani,

            Together with this letter, we inform you that ourder co,puter package shipment has arrived on time. However, after we checked, there was damage to several computers that you send.

Such damage can we explain as follows:
1.      Three units damaged monitor.
2.      Two units of cpu is not working.
3.      Three units damaged keyboard.

            As evidence , such damaged goods we send back to you for review and your concern.
            We hope we did not order the goods were damaged like this again in the future because this is hurting our company'scommercial rate. If you repeat this mistake a second time, we were very sorry to have to decide a cooperative relationship that has existed so far.

We await a reply from you. Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. yudhi

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Resume Seminar Kewirausahaan

Resume Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance

            Pada hari senin tanggal 4 mei 2015 saya mengikuti seminar gunadarma yang diadakan oleh SEF atau organisasi ekonomi syariah. Pembicara yang dihadirkan oleh SEF yaitu Ronald Rulindo, Ph.D dengan tema Head of Islamic Finance and Risk Management Research at Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation.
            Alasan mengikuti seminar yang diadakan oleh SEF ingin mengetahui tentang ekonomi syariah lebih dalam lagi. Kelebihan islamic finance system sangat banyak, tapi saya akan menuliskan beberapa saja yaitu : Zakat, Infag, Sadaqah dll.
            Antara bank shariah dengan convencional bank keduanya sama-sama melakukan kegiatan pinjaman, akan tetapi yang membedakannya prosesnya. Kita dapat melihat perbedaan antara shariah bank dengan convencional bank, yaitu :
1. Shariah bank : berupa kredit bunga, akan tetapi dari keuntungan dengan akad ijarah, mudharabah, musyaraqah dll.
2. Convencional bank : berupa kredit bunga

Ada tiga hal yang harus diketahui dalam finance dalam mendampingi pengusaha kecil :
1. Kemampuan manajerial
2. Spiritual
3. Teknikal kapasiti

Order Letter New

                                             Jakarta, Mei 2nd 2015
Titanium Computers                                              
5th Floor, Giant Mall


Dear Mr. Agus Supriadi

I am interested in the items contained in the Computer Magazine March 30 issue of the Computer Magazine 2015. I want to order :
1.      2 piece external hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes
2.      3 internal hard drive with capacity of 1 terabytes
3.      piece external hard drive with a capacity 500 gigabytes
Plese be sent to the address at Mangga Besar street number 23, Jakarta Utara. For the payment I will immediately transfer into your account is listed on your ads in the Computer Magazine.

Your Sincerely,

Agus Supriadi

new application letter

                                                                                                            Jakarta, Mei 6rd , 2015

To : Bandar Plastik
Subject : Application to be part of the marketing

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am applying for the position of teacher on your institution. Here is my brief data:
Name                                       : Agus Supriadi
Place and Date of Birth          : Jakarta, December 15th, 1990
Education                                : Economic of Gunadarma University

Currently, I am studying at Economics of Gunadarma University. 24 years old with a GPA 3,30 and also experienced in private-teaching. Therefore, I feel confident that my educational background, experience, and career interest will meet your expectation and institution recruitment requirements.
Hereby apply to you to be able to participate in the selection referred to above, the position of English Teacher.
For your consideration, father / mother, I enclose here with:
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
2. KTP.
3. Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized.
4. Copy of the certificate.
I would be available to have an interview at anytime and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.


Agus supriadi

Rabu, 08 April 2015

Order Letter

Jl. Raya Mawar No.20A
Jakarta Timur

Januari 7, 2015
Number : AP/APP/20

Dear Mr. Pratama
PT. Sepatu Lari
Jl. Kencana No.11
Jakarta Barat

Case : Order Goods

Dear Mr. Pratama

Based on information from on employe of the marketing department, your company has a lot of good quality electronic items, once we learned we feel comfortable with the terms offered.
We would ask you to send items as soon as possible :

Name Of Item
Total Of Item
Total Of Price
Sepatu Olahraga
5 items
Rp. 950.000
Rp. 4.750.000
Sepatu Olahraga
6 items
Rp. 1.110.000
Rp. 6.660.000
Sepatu Olahraga
3 items
Rp. 850.00
Rp. 2.550.000

In connection with this matter, please orders shipped up to i week , and the payment will be sent after we received the item.
For your cooperation, we thanks.



Marketing Managaer

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Application Letter

HRD Department
Artha Noviantri Utami
PT.  Bandar Plastik
Cakung, Jakarta, CA 14910                 

Dear Madam Artha,
I am writing this letter to apply for the accountant position advertised in the Jakarta Post. As requested at the advertisement, I am enclosing a completed job application, my resume, my certification and two references.

The employment opportunity in the ad is very interesting. I believe that the knowledge and experience I have is able to make the company that you lead to achieve better performances. The strengths that I have in order to get this position are:

I have worked at two major companies engaged in insurance.
I have helped to create a better financial system and gave the good impact on corporate profits.
I have a lot of expertise, especially in terms of computation and accuracy of financial management.
Education that I have in the field of accounting, finance, and the computer operator is considered highly enough to get this position.

Please see my resume that I have enclosed for the additional information of my experiences. I can be contacted anytime via email at anggaprayudha.pratama@yahoo.com or my cell phone, 0812-111-22334.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I very look forward to speak with you about this employment opportunity.


Angga Prayudha Pratama